Xplor Home App
Our centre uses Xplor Education, a child care software used for bookings, payments, enrolments, and more.

Xplor Home App
- Sign in or out using the app
- Make new bookings
- Make changes to bookings (absences)
- Make payments
- Invite Hub Guests – allowing family and friends to pick up or drop off your child
- View incident reports and medication administration reports
New Enrolment
Xplor F.A.Q
How do I set up Xplor?
Once the centre has finalised your enrolment and made your child ‘active’, you will receive a Welcome email from Xplor.
Click the orange ‘Create Account’ button. As a new parent who has not created an account before, select ‘Create Account.’ From here, create a password that is 8 characters in length and includes a capital letter, number and special character.
Create a 4 digit Account Pin. This can be used to sign in with your mobile number which you will enter in the next step.
Enter your mobile number.
Press ‘Finished.’
That’s it! You have created your Xplor Account! You can now use the email address and password listed to log into the Home App.
Once you select ‘Finished’ you will automatically be taken to your Home Account.
My invitation to create my profile has expired. How do I get another invite?
Invitations to set up your account will be sent to parents via email. These invitations will expire after 7 days of being sent. This is to ensure that your account is protected.
If your invitation has expired before you have created your account, please ask the admin team at your child care service to send you another.
How do I reset my Xplor password?
Parents can reset their password themselves by going to the login page of the Home app or via home.myxplor.com. Hit “Forgot password?” to receive a reset password email. This reset password email will expire after 2 hours.
How do I set up Debit Success?
- If your family is enrolled at an XPay/DebitSuccess centre and you are a primary carer, you will see a menu option titled “Setup Debit Debit”. Tap it to begin the direct debit payment configuration.
- If you have not setup an account with DebitSuccess yet, you’ll need to complete some basic information and agree to the billing terms. If you have any concerns about these terms, please reach out to your service.
- On the next screen, you can choose to enter your credit card details or your bank details.
- Once you have saved your banking details successfully, the administrator can set up your family’s preferred billing schedule, or the schedule required by the service.
- You can edit your banking details through this tab at any stage.
- Please get in touch with the administrator if you have any issues and they will be able to assist or get in contact with support on your behalf.
Making payments via Xplor?
Start by opening the Xplor Home App. Open the finance screen and tap the “Pay Now” menu button, which will navigate you to the Account Summary screen and automatically display the Pay Now popover. In this popover, you can choose an amount to pay.
Once you have entered an amount and tapped the send button, you will be taken to the payment portal. The steps are outlined below:
- Enter your card payment details into the secure form and confirm the amount is correct.
- Review your payment details.
- Submit your payment.
- All done!
How do I make a booking?
To make a casual booking, start by opening the Xplor Home App. Click on the bookings tab. Click on the relevant day on the calendar. If there are no existing sessions, ‘No Bookings’ will display at the bottom of the screen. A session will need to be booked for this day.
Adding Bookings To add a booking, click ‘(+) new’ in the top right hand corner and select ‘Booking’ in the pop up. Available sessions will be viewable for that day. Select the room and time you wish to book. Note: For multiple bookings, repeat the process above until all the sessions are selected.
The summary screen will display the name of the child, the sessions being booked at their price, time and room. If these are incorrect, click the back arrow to correct selections. Once happy with the selections, click ‘Request’.
How do I absent my child?
1. Click on the icon on booking to view more details.
2. The details of the bookings will become available. This screen has two buttons, ‘Late’ or ‘Absent’. Select the ‘absent’ button to notify the centre.
How do I sign my child in?
1. To sign a child into their shift, click the button ‘Sign In’
2. After pressing the Sign In button, the app will open a new screen on which you’ll be prompted to scan the QR code available at the service
3. Click on ‘Scan Code’ to open the camera. If this is the first time signing in through the app, you will need to give permission to access the camera on your phone.
4. Once the camera opens, locate the QR code in the centre. If you are uncertain where this is being displayed, ask the centre staff to point you in the right direction. Ensure the QR code is within the box on the screen. The app will automatically authenticate the code once it is read correctly.
5. Once the code is successfully scanned, the welcome screen for the service will appear. If there is only one child, click the ‘sign in’ button to sign them into their shift.
If there are multiple children, select those you want to sign in, and click ‘Confirm’.
6. Once the sign in is successful, a success screen will display. The child is signed in. Click ‘Close’ to get back to the dashboard.
How do I add a Hub Guest?
What is a Hub Guest?
Hub Guests is the term used by Xplor to describe Pick Up contacts that are different to the primary parent/carer.
Hub Guests are able to sign your child/ren in and out using the Xplor sign in at the centre. Hub Guests cannot sign into the Xplor Home Web and App. If you require someone else to collect your child on a regular basis, then you must invite them as a Hub Guest via the Xplor app.
How do I invite a Hub Guest?
Open the Home App.
Click “Account”.
Click the “Hub Guests” menu item.
Click the ‘+’ icon in the top right corner of the page.
Enter Hub Guest name and email and click “Send Invite”.
The hub guest will now have 24 hours to set up their password.
Hub Guest Steps?
Hub Guest will receive an email to create password (may be marked as junk or spam).
Hub Guest will need to create an Xplor ID by logging in to https://login.myxplor.com/ .
How can I find my child's incident reports?
Open the Xplor Home App.
After pressing on the incidents tab, you will be able to see a list of all incident records for a child. You will also be able to see the type of incident and which educator created it.
Pressing on any incident record will open it.