A home away from home...

Our Philosophy
We believe that each child, family and educator is given the time and space to express their thoughts and feelings. The strengths of each child, family and educator are valued and their knowledge is recognised. We build respectful, authentic ways to educate and mentor each other. We are able to acknowledge the benefits of nature play in which we can learn and take measured risks from the natural environment. Through increased awareness and connection to country, we are able to implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future.
Through respectful, collaborative relationships and providing a warm welcoming environment, we strengthen families, children and educators wellbeing. We maintain a symbiotic relationship with communities and the school and appreciate and acknowledge individual beliefs and traditions. Our relationship with the natural environment provides us the ability to engage our imagination and senses. By extending our children’s real world knowledge, we provide a foundation for successful lifelong learning.
We thank Mother Earth for looking after us; we will care for you and be kind to you; we will respect you and listen to you; we will learn from you and each other; we will care for one another and ourselves; we will respect the people who are on this land past, present and future.
Our connection to this country that we play, learn and grow upon is recognised and respected. We understand and believe that our children’s cultural identity is developing. Our journey through nature helps us to connect to our nation’s history, to develop a deep level of understanding on how we can care for Mother Earth and how we can be better people for it.